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"YU will support Rwanda’s Progress through Saemaul Studies at the Request of the Rwandan Government" N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2024.11.27 13:37
  • Publication Date : 2024.11.05
  • Views : 4537

CHOI Oe-chool, President of YU, signs MOU with the University of Rwanda to share Saemaul Studies. 

Efforts to localize Saemaul education through the establishment of a Saemaul Research and Training Center. 

Rwandan Minister of Education nominates five universities to adopt Saemaul Studies for higher education innovation.

[November 5, 2024]

 “Korea’s miracle was made possible by consciousness reform through Saemaul education. President CHOI Oe-chool’s life story itself is a beacon of hope for us. Let us remember this well. Through Saemaul education, we can play a pivotal role in Rwanda’s development, and Rwanda can become a success model for Africa like Korea.” 


<The University of Rwanda and Yeungnam University signed an MOU on October 17 to share Saemaul education.>

This statement by KAYIHURA Muganga Didas, President of the University of Rwanda, resonated after YU President CHOI Oe-chool shared his insights on the Saemaul Undong’s background, principles, achievements, and success factors during his visit to the University of Rwanda on October 17. CHOI also candidly shared his personal growth story and YU's efforts to globally promote Saemaul Undong.

<President CHOI Oe-chool delivers a lecture on Saemaul Undong to key officials at the University of Rwanda.>

During his lecture, CHOI emphasized, “Rwanda already has a remarkable tradition of community development called ‘Umuganda.’ However, its aspects of consciousness reform and income generation require reinforcement. Saemaul education can complement these areas through the development of local experts,” pledging support for introducing Saemaul education in Rwanda.

 YU and the University of Rwanda signed an MOU for academic exchange, agreeing to prioritize the establishment of a Saemaul Research and Training Center at the University of Rwanda. This initiative responds to the university's call for specialized research and education for local communities. Additionally, both institutions plan to establish a Saemaul Studies Department to cultivate local experts in the future. 

<From left: President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and Minister Joshep Nsengimana of Rwanda’s Ministry of Education.>

 Earlier on the morning of October 17,  Rwandan Minister of Education Joshep Nsengimana invited CHOI to the Ministry of Education to deliver a lecture on Saemaul Undong to presidents and vice presidents of five major universities, as well as senior ministry officials.

<President CHOI Oe-chool poses for a commemorative photo with high-ranking officials of Rwanda's Ministry of Education.>

Minister Nsengimana remarked, “I have seen photos of students studying under trees in post-war Korea, which deeply illustrates the importance of education for national development. As the Minister responsible for higher education innovation and investment, I recognize the critical role of YU’s cooperation in advancing Rwanda’s higher education.” 

 In response, CHOI stated, “Based on the MOU with the Rwandan Ministry of Education in March 2021, YU is committed to fostering Saemaul development talents and sharing Saemaul Studies to contribute to Rwanda’s progress.” He added, “Considering Rwanda’s historical and socio-environmental context, the national adoption of Saemaul spirit and its practices—diligence, self-reliance, cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity—will significantly enhance social integration and development.”

 Meanwhile, the Rwandan government has implemented “Umuganda,” a community service program legally mandated for all citizens aged 18 to 65 on the last Saturday of each month. This tradition, rooted in voluntary service for the solidarity and welfare of the community, was institutionalized after 1994 to promote social reconstruction and unity as part of Rwanda’s national development policy.